Can they just believe me?

Do you know how frustate when there is no one who believe you?
I don’t know what did I do in past that makes they never believe me or it’s just them

They always treated me as a kid that can do nothing

Graduate in time with a great score as their wishes
Never do something bad as their order
Take care myself when going travel far away to relieve their worried
Working with the good team to take care our financial

what else they need to believe me as a grown women?

if they just tell like: but you still my little kid for me
that was so suck

How you define Family?

I have person who called mom and dad
I have person that they call my brothers
but actually . . .

Im feeling that I have no one that can be called as true family

they always remind me: at least you still have alive family
I dont know how to define word of family

are they who always near by you since long time ago? are the parent define only by they who makes you live in this world?

for me, at least for me
family are they who understand you better than other
they who support you in every step in live
they that can be called as home, the most comfort zone for us

I hope someday, my child will glad to have me and the other person as “family”